Title: Demon Slayer Funko Pop Exclusives - 5 Limited Edition Figures Bundle Type of Media: Funko Pop Year Released: Various Details: • Tanjiro Kamado (Galactic Toys Exclusive) • Tanjuro Kamado (AAA Exclusive) • Nezuko Kamado (Hot Topic Exclusive) • Kanao Tsuyuri (Glow in the Dark Barnes & Noble Exclusive) • Enmu (2022 Summer Convention Limited Edition) This bundle includes five limited edition Demon Slayer Funko Pops, each in mint condition and some with protectors. These figures are highly sought after and perfect for any collector or fan of the series. ⚠️ Condition Warning: These items are thrifted/secondhand. While all boxes are in mint condition and protected, please review all photos closely. We’ve visually inspected the items and provided detailed images to help you assess their condition. If you need additional pictures or further details, feel free to reach out. Important Notice: This bundle is sold as-is, with no returns accepted. Ensure you’re comfortable with the condition as shown in the photos before purchasing. If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Custom Bundles: Interested in purchasing multiple items? Contact us for custom bundle deals! Thank you for visiting Rewind Institute.